Good Intentions

 We have been here before.  I don't write for a while (a year this time) and then make promises about how I am going to be better and write, write, write....

Then I don't.

This time though....I really mean it.  I have worked my way back to a place where I feel like writing.  I feel 2024 is going to be HUGE.

....if I am murdered in 2024, just have someone read this while sad jazz plays AND PLEASE have a hot picture of me with that 'JC Penny haze'.

A lot can happen in a year and I would love to divulge....but we know I keep it all close to the chest, so expect some peeks in to my life but mostly fanfic (because it's fun) and venting.  Know that healing thyself is ongoing and rewarding.

So know that I am back and have the best of intentions...and that it is never you, it is always me.


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