Conversations with Ice: Dear Ice T...It Begins

** Conversations with Ice started when I needed to work through things. I have always enjoyed Ice T and think that he should be my life coach/mentor/friend so I started having these 'conversations' with him and he helps me with his blunt wisdom. The thing is, I wanna share Ice's wisdom with everyone! I think he can help people- though you'll never be as cool with him as I am (not)... life's hard questions will be answered and Ice can carry on the tradition of being the great humanitarian he is. So please, use the comment box and let Ice T help solve your problems!!! He's gonna give it to ya an erect penis banging against your eardrum**

Since this is the initial Dear Ice T I shall start off with one of (my many) dilemma's. Let's see how it goes...

Honey T asks: Dear Ice T, why are people shitty? Okay, you've answered that already for me before- but I mean, why do they do shitty things and pretend like shit is cool? Is it ill-intentioned fuckery or just a poor sense of judgment?

Ice T responds: Hey T- *ahem* Honey T. Listen, it all depends. If the person is a so called friend and they're doing shitty things that's one thing, but if it's some random person that's a whole other.
The only common thing is...the shitty thing. It still stinks and it's still shit. I say, you know where you stand with these people and I now if someone handed me shit I wouldn't be giddy about it...and if they try to pretend that shit is just a turd shaped piece of chocolate...would you be giddy about getting a turd shaped piece of chocolate? I wouldn't.
Be smart and cut your losses.


  1. Dear Ice,

    I've been invited to a formal dress party in Williamsburg. Now I know I'll hafta be hella drunk before I even step outta the door, so what sort of outfit should I don? Slut it up or keep it safe?



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