Just Go With It

There is this consultant I.T. dude at my job who comes in occasionally.  I call him Darryl (Walking Dead) because of his bad hipster/ zombie-apocalypse haircut.  He didn't offend me initially because he replaced this other dude that looked like Cleveland Jr.  - and it wasn't a looks thing cuz that shit was amusing, it was the fact that HE COULDN'T DO ANYTHING I.T. RELATED!
So Darryl is here now...occasionally.  I barely noticed Darryl until he stared...no LEERED at me and a coworker (separately).  Like we were a craft beer or something.
I still gave nil o' fucks about Darryl...THEN I hear him telling my coworker how he is going to gallivant around Europe next week.  Go back HOME to LONDON and then see D'Angelo in Belgium because D'Angelo is his FAVE.
The D'Angelo thing is whatever..because D'Angelo is amazing.
...but homeboy grew up in LONDON?!  He obviously does NOT have an accent or I woulda began and ended this post about how much I wanna bone Darryl.  #HateBone2015
Darryl is not atrocious looking BUT he would look so much better with an accent...or at least he would amuse me with the accent.  He has the face and tatts of someone needing an accent to really ensure he always has a bird bouncing on his banger!
I am awesome, I know.
Instead he has incensed me by not having an accent and therefore annoying me with his existence.  He also wears too tight a slack and gives me attitude.
May he choke on a vat of un-organic dicks!


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