Remembering Happiness
Remember happiness?
You know you are in your feels- whether it be seasonal depression....this poppy seed bagel (pandemic) we're in...just being a living/breathing Black woman....etc.- and you start tearing up while watching a TV family perform one of them music videos at Universal Studios.
Suddenly I remember being a kid and being on a family trip to Universal Studios and recording one of those vids. My mom loved pulling it out...well she used to because thanks to SMART TV's and no one having a VCR....can't really watch it.
Technological Advancement-1/ Stone Age- 0
Though I had other 'issues' in my world at the time- being chubby, not wearing the right clothes by New York public school standards (the judgement starts YOUNG), the way the Orlando humidity did awful things to my hair....- but I remember being so happy. Happy to be on vacation with my family and happy to be doing the video because I got to 'play' the keytar.
So the tears were me just relishing in that joy because as we get older and have to adult...and live through what we are living through now...ahhh to be a kid on vacation with my family where my biggest worries were my frizzy bangs. Also, my dad was still here and I didn't have to deal with my family's mortality (unlike today where I think about it EVERY SINGLE DAY) because we were gonna live forever.
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