Put Some Titties On It

I know!  I have slacked yet again and have not provided my three readers with any entertaining nonsense.  What can I say...shit has been real.  Real busy.  I am back though with a fire in my ass to share all my feelings- well all my bullshit via blog.  YAY!

Let's start with the above picture of Prince with his scepter and his friends, just chillin'.  In my mind this would be what hanging with Prince would be like ALL THE TIME.  I imagine the shade he throws paired with his low tolerance for fools n' bullshit usually results in many chuckles and scepter taps.
What I feel led up to this wondrous moment...

Cowboy Hat Friend: I can't believe they did that...

Friend In Shades: Not only did they bring one regular ass walking stick, they bring two.

Prince: (puts wooden canes to his right, places his walking scepter to his front) There is no need for cursing...

Friend In Shades: I know, it's just the audacity of some people.

Prince: You can't fault those that don't know any better.

Cowboy Hat Friend: True, but you're Prince- they could've brought out a lace covered walking stick-

Prince: Or at least put some titties on it.

AND THAT was when this pic was taken.  Prince with his knowing chuckle and his friends just losing their shit because they love when his talks naughty.

Needless to say, Prince inspires me and I will be updating more frequently than I have been.
 Things I won't discuss include: my upcoming birthday, the Kimye wedding or anything involving Justin Beaver...because FUCK THAT NOISE!


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