Creeper Sober Saturday Night

While enjoying a pleasant Saturday night buzz, I became extra elated because I was on the train at about 10:30PM.  Being a long standing member of Team Granny Pannies, making it home by 11PM (at least) is a beautiful thing!
Then I was forced to sober up and spend the rest of the weekend thinking of all the horrible things that could've happened to me....
Anyone who knows me knows that 'buzzed me' is just a jollier yet still quiet, hateful and
'you would never know I even had a drink' version of me.  So I am still aware of everything going on around me and know that I am in the 'danger zone' because I am woman outside... doing pretty much anything.
I found a door (on the train) to lean on and was chuckling to the "Bodega Boys' podcast when a dude gets on and proceeds to pace- from the doors I was standing near, to the doors he occupied with his shopping cart.
So I move away from him because....nah.
The new set of doors I leaned on seemed cool until I locked eyes with this dude who seemed to be watching me.  He then stood and hovered near me.  I looked him in eyes and said 'back up'.  He did but stayed close and was always watching.
As I got off at my stop, he hopped up and was right behind me.  Mumbling something.  As I went down the subway stairs, he was one person behind me, but I knew once I exited the train station and he was right behind me....that walking home was NOT an option.
Luckily, there was a cab there so I hopped in.
Once home and angry- I see a News 12 Brooklyn story about a rise in women be followed home, pushed into their apartments and assaulted.
It was all coming together.

This is not the first time this has happened to me...and unfortunately it won't be the last.  Creepy ass dudes consistently ruin a perfect Saturday night- like I had a great time with the homies, but it all went to shit...sober and unable to sleep because I was so upset.
The only silver lining is that I am a lucky one and perhaps it's a reminder for me to STAY WOKE.  Also, to let my girls aware.  We are entering the season of dick imprints in basketball shorts and I need you to not be so wrapped up in the bulges...and to keep yourselves safe!


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