Cock Chef

Get it?! It’s like Top Chef…but BETTER!

Today has been a day where I have wanted EVERYONE to eat a bowl of dicks, so much so, I’ve come up with many different ways for these dicks to be served. I think it’s my natural culinary ability sprinkled with imagination. Also, m’girl Lesley insisted that I actually write a blog about the different types of dicks peeps can choke on- I mean eat. She only insisted because I stated that this was all I had in me (hmm…is that what she said?) because I pretty much hate everyone today.

So here it goes-now don’t imagine this sounding like that listless Negro in Forrest Gump who was talking about shrimp, imagine an uppity Negro who vacations at the Vineyard.
Alas, here are the many ways for people to REALLY enjoy a bowl of dicks:
BBQ’D, suvee’d, with a light butter and garlic sauce, pickled, Carpaccio style (thanks Marino!), salted, in an Alfredo sauce, tossed in a red wine vinaigrette, with peanut sauce and a squeeze of lime, braised in an aged soy sauce, with spring veggies and a squeeze of lemon, fried (this covers beer battered and panko crusted), lightly dusted with cinnamon n’ sugar, honey glazed, in a Bolognese sauce, wrapped in bacon (I would actually eat them, or share at least), encrusted it Matzo crackers (Kosher baby!!), in a Tandoori sauce, seasoned with cumin and served with an avocado sour cream dipping sauce…


Isn’t your mouth just watering?! Can anyone think of any more good ones, there are a lot of hungry mouths to feed.


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